Passiflora Society International

Cultivation, new species, new cultivars

Passiflora Seedbanks


We aim to hold seedbank sales once or twice a year. For each sale there will be a

A notice will be posted on the News section on the home page whenever a Window opens or closes, usually a little before. If you try to access one of the seedbank pages when it is closed for your category of member, you will see a message “You do not have permission to view this content”.

If you are a Basic Member and wish to purchase scarcer seeds, or a significant number of any seeds, do consider upgrading your membership which you can do here.

To minimise practical and regulatory difficulties, PSI now operates two seedbanks, one in the United States and the second covering Europe based in Germany.

IMPORTANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Provided you have enrolled as a member of PSI, you may purchase wherever you live from either seedbank when the relevant window is open as described above, but be aware that there may be customs and other regulatory issues which it is up to you to check out before ordering. In certain countries, customs and other official bodies may impose additional taxes and/or other charges and regulations, or simply destroy shipments or prevent their delivery. PSI will do its best to comply with standard customs and other regulatory procedures where these are practical and proportionate but cannot cater for particular customs and regulatory regimes and declines all responsibility for failure of seeds to arrive for whatever reason or the condition in which they arrive and does not undertake to provide any compensation in either case.

Nonetheless where possible, purchasers will be able to choose between (a) standard shipping and (b) track and trace/signed for/insured/registered or the like; if option (b) is available and a purchaser has selected it, PSI will (subject to stock remaining and other factors) attempt to replace any seeds despatched by PSI to the purchaser that fail to arrive, but not otherwise.

PSI gives no warranty for the accuracy of the information given regarding pollination and other matters, for the quality of the seeds provided, or for their germination potential and declines all liability in this respect. Please note that the pictures shown against each item are not of plants produced from the particular batch of seeds offered; they are stock photographs and for guidance only.

By purchasing from PSI, you undertake to respect any Trademarks and Patents that may apply, and to comply with Plant Breeders’ Rights and not use any seeds subject to such rights except for  private and commercial purposes, experimental purposes or for breeding another variety.


We rely on our members and other contacts for all our seeds. If you have spare seeds you would like to donate, or are willing to collect or grow some specially, our seedbank managers would be delighted to hear from you. Please follow the instructions on the How to donate seeds page. All donations of seeds will be treated as anonymous, and PSI is therefore unable to provide information about their origin.

Any premium member who donates more than 50 seeds in accordance with the instructions will be entitled to buy seeds before all other members in the Donor Priority Window for the relevant sale.