Passiflora Society International

Cultivation, new species, new cultivars

Passiflora: The Journal and Newsletter of PSI

PSI aims to publish a newsletter/journal twice a year, in Spring and Fall. In some years there have been additional Special Issues, and occasionally in others such as 2017 the two issues have been consolidated into a single jumbo issue.

Each newsletter and Special Issue is published in both hard copy and digital format. As many are valuable works of reference, we aim to keep all backnumbers in print, but we are missing a few – see Missing Backnumbers below – and would be enormously grateful to any one who can lend us a copy to scan and make available.


Obtaining a journal/newsletter

Premium members

Basic members

Compared to the digital copies on this website, those provided on MagCloud are lower resolution, which for many purposes you may find more convenient.


Missing Backnumbers

The following backnumbers we believe to exist, but do not have, so if you can lend us a copy to scan, please contact us