European Seedbank Preview
European Seedbank Spring 2024 Sale Dates:
- Open for seed donors on 9th of April at 5pm CEST/German Time
- Open for all Premium Members on 11th of April at 5pm CEST/German Time
- Close for stocktaking on 18th of April at 5pm CEST/German Time
- Re-open to all members (including Basic Members) on 19th of April at 5pm CEST/German Time
- Close for the season on 26th of April at 5pm CEST/German Time
If the sale is open to you, you can click HERE to view the sale.
To enlarge, click on an image, then click on the arrows, and use the X top right to close.
Please be aware that these are stock photographs, and may not correspond exactly to items of a similar description in the actual sale
Remember too that seeds of named cultivars may not come true especially when open pollinated but even when selfed.
Feel free to use any of the photographs shown provided you give clear attribution.
Photographs by:
BH: Bob Holzinger
CH: Christian Houël
GB: Graeme Boocock
JMMacD: John MacDougal
ML: Mattias Lanas
MV: Maurizio Vecchia
MVar: Markus Varga
PM: Paulo Mendonça
RD: Robert Dostal
RJRV: John Vanderplank
RKR: Robert Rice
RMcP: Rob McPhail
SB: Sabrina Berger
SL: Sergio Lloreda
TvOL: Tineke van Ooijen-Lommen
WF: Wesley Franks