Journal backnumbers now restored
We have now restored all those backnumbers of our journal Passiflora which were corrupted when we changed service provider a couple of years ago. We are sorry that it has taken so long. Once you have logged in, you can find these here or on the menu under Publications | Passiflora the PSI Journal | Downloads
In addition, again after logging in, you can view the more recent numbers on line page by page here or on the menu under Publications | Passiflora the PSI Journal | View
We have also restored the hi-res version of the 5 most recent issues of the Passiflora Online Journal which had suffered a similar fate.
We believe all issues of Passiflorunde and other journals and media are now in good shape, but please submit a contact form if you experience any issues
First published on 7 February, 2024.
Last revised on 5 March, 2024.