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PSI Colombia 2025 Revised Start Date
Please note that for reasons beyond the organisers’ control, the WPFC congress (in which we are participating for the first 2 days of our conference) is now starting one day earlier than previously advertised, on 13th May instead of 14th, so the same applies to the PSI conference. This means that we now have 15th May free for other activities in Medellin, to be announced in due course. It also means that those who wish to attend the whole of the first day of the congress may need to arrive a day earlier.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please go to the conference page to access the revised programme.
First published on 25 January, 2025.
PSI Colombia 2025 Programme and Registration
We are delighted to announce that this exciting conference will be held from 13th – 22nd May 2025 in Colombia at 3 locations:
- 13th – 15th May at Medellin where we will participate in the 3rd World Congress of the Colombia Passionfruit Exporters Association
- 16th – 18th May at Jardin, a lovely old town from which we will make one or more guided field trips, and hope to see P. jardinensis itself
- 19th – 21st May at Misiones, where we will be guests at a traditional hacienda, search for Passiflora in the surrounding forest, visit a passionfruit breeding collection and a Passiflora edulis farm
This is our most ambitious conference to date, so we hope you will join us. For the more details please click here.
If you are interested, please register as soon as you can as places are limited and airfares can only rise if you delay !
If you have any questions, please submit them by contact form so they can be fielded by the right person immediately.
First published on 20 January, 2025.
Last revised on 22 January, 2025.
European Seedbank closed
The European Seedbank is now closed for the season. Thank you to Robert Dostal for organizing the sale and making it such a success, as always!
Thank you to all the purchasers! If you have not yet received your seeds, they should be on the way shortly. However, if you are concerned, please email EuropeanSeedbank [at] this domain.
Please be advised that the prices are under review for future sales, in order to generate additional funds for grant-giving.
Meanwhile, we would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate, following the instructions here.
First published on 13 December, 2024.
European Seedbank Sale Fall 2024
Robert Dostal will open the Fall 2024 European Seedbank Sale to Premium Members on Friday 29th of November, and to Basic Members as well on Saturday, 7th of December. Those who have kindly donated seeds will be able to access the sale a few days earlier. For more details, please go to the European Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in.
Members living outside the EU are also welcome to order from this sale, but please understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
To support our new Grant initiative, seed prices have increased to €3.50 per bag for Premium Members and €5/bag for Basic Members.
If you are a Basic Member and want to take advantage of the lower price, as well as priority access to the sale and other benefits, it is not too late to upgrade your membership. Premium membership starts at just €18 per year, during which there will typically be two American and two European sales – so do the math! More details on the Renew / Upgrade page.
Meanwhile, we would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate, following the instructions here.
First published on 19 November, 2024.
Last revised on 13 December, 2024.
American Seedbank closed
The American Seedbank is now closed for the season. Thank you to Bob Holzinger for organizing the sale and making it such a success, as always!
Thank you to all the purchasers! If you have not yet received your seeds, they should be on the way shortly. However, if you are concerned, please email AmericanSeedbank [at] this domain.
Please be advised that the prices are under review for future sales, in order to generate additional funds for grant-giving.
Meanwhile, we would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate, following the instructions here.
First published on 14 November, 2024.
American Seedbank Sale Fall 2024 Open
The sale is now open to PSI Premium Members and can be found here.
All other members can continue to access the preview page here.
First published on 2 November, 2024.
American Seedbank Sale Fall 2024
Bob Holzinger will open the Fall 2024 American Seedbank Sale to Premium Members on Saturday, November 2nd, and to Basic Members as well on Saturday, November 9th. Those who have kindly donated seeds will be able to access the sale a few days earlier. For more details, please go to the American Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in.
Members living outside America are also welcome to order from this sale, but please understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery. To ensure seeds arrive in the best possible condition, Bob will box up all orders.
If you are a Basic Member and want to take advantage of this low price (instead of the standard $5), as well as priority access to the sale and other benefits, it is not too late to upgrade your membership.
Premium membership starts at just $20 per year, during which there will typically be 2 American and 2 European sales – so do the math! More details on the Renew / Upgrade page.
Meanwhile, we would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate, following the instructions here.
To support our new Grant initiative, seed prices have increased to $3.50 per bag for Premium Members and $5/bag for Basic Members.
First published on 22 October, 2024.
2025 Conference: Medellin confirmed
Many thanks to all of you who completed the questionnaire about our ideas for the 2025 conference.
We’re pleased to say that the proposal to hold it in Medellin was well-received, and outscored the other options, so we’ve decided to go ahead.
As stated previously, it will be some time in April or May, the precise dates to be agreed with the Passiflora Export Association and announced in about a month’s time.
First published on 12 October, 2024.
Ideas for 2025 Conference
The 2024 conference was held in Europe, so for 2025 it is America’s turn, and we’d been thinking of holding it in Brazil, building on our contacts from the study trip.
However an alternative has now arisen, to hold it in Medellin, Colombia, where the Colombian Passiflora Export Association plans to hold its 3rd World Congress in Medellin in early April or May 2025. The Association is a trade body, but the congress will also include academic presentations, farm visits and other items of interest. PSI could participate in some or all of these, and afterwards have its own events, such as mini-field trips.
This seems an interesting opportunity, but do you agree ?
To let us know, please log in and let us know your preferences in the short form you will find here. We need your answers as soon as possible, please, and in any event BY THE END OF SEPTEMBER.
First published on 14 September, 2024.
New journal now online
The new issue of our journal Passiflora is now being distributed in hard copy to full premium members, and is available online to both full and digital members, either to download or to view page by page. Remember to log in first!
Additional hard copies can be ordered from MagCloud here.
First published on 9 September, 2024.
New journal imminent
A new 50-page issue of our journal Passiflora will shortly be published, and will be:
- sent in printed form to all those who have full premium membership, and
- made available in digital form to all those with digital subscriptions
at the record date, that is 5pm GMT on Friday 23rd August 2024.
If you wish to receive it, please make sure your membership and postal address are up to date, and if necessary renew, upgrade or update, by then
First published on 20 August, 2024.
Vienna Conference Registration Now CLOSED
The registration form for the Vienna 2024 Conference has been closed. We look forward to seeing all attendees!
Further information is available on the conference webpage.
First published on 17 August, 2024.
Vienna Conference Registration NOW OPEN
The registration form for the Vienna 2024 Conference has been posted.
You may register using the form provided and NOT LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, 31st JULY, after which we will not be able to accept further registrations.
Please note that conference fee payments are due by Wednesday, 31st July. Your space is not secured until at least a deposit is paid. Further information is available on the conference webpage.
First published on 11 May, 2024.
Vienna Conference Programme
Details of the Vienna conference are now available here and registration will open shortly – watch this space!
Highlights include:
- Guided tour through Botanical Collection of Schönbrunn palace
- AGM & Presentations at TUtheSky
- Visit Markus Varga’s private Passiflora collection
and of course the usual opportunity to sell and exchange seeds, cuttings and plants.
First published on 8 May, 2024.
European Seedbank closed
The European Seedbank is now closed for the season. Thank you to Robert for organizing the sale and making it such a success, as always!
Thank you to all the purchasers! If you have not yet received your seeds, they should be on the way shortly. However, if you are concerned, please email EuropeanSeedbank [at] this domain.
Please be advised that the prices are under review for future sales, in order to generate additional funds for grant-giving.
Meanwhile, we would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate, following the instructions here.
First published on 26 April, 2024.
Last revised on 28 April, 2024.
European Seedbank Sale Spring 2024 Open to All Members
The sale is now open to all PSI Members and can be found here.
Not currently a PSI member? Join today for free!
The sale will remain open until Friday, 26th of April at 5pm CEST/German Time.
First published on 19 April, 2024.
European Seedbank Sale Spring 2024 is closed for stocktaking – back soon!
The European seedbank is temporarily closed for stocktaking, but is expected to reopen for all members (including basic) tomorrow (Friday, 19th of April) at about 5pm CEST/German Time.
Not currently a PSI member? Join as a Basic Member for free!
If you’d like, you can preview the sale here once you have logged in.
Many of the items shown are still available, but several are now sold out.
First published on 18 April, 2024.
European Seedbank Sale Spring 2024 Open
The sale is now open to PSI Premium Members and can be found here.
All other members can continue to access the preview page here.
First published on 11 April, 2024.
European Seedbank Sale Spring 2024
Robert Dostal will open the Spring 2024 European Seedbank Sale to Premium Members on Thursday, 11th April, and to Basic Members as well on Friday, 19th April. Those who have kindly donated seeds will be able to access the sale a few days earlier. For more details, please go to the European Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in.
Members living outside EU are also welcome to order from this sale, but please understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
Unfortunately, postage feed continue to increase, however seed prices continue to be only €2 per bag for Premium Members.
If you are a Basic Member and want to take advantage of this low price (instead of the standard €4), as well as priority access to the sale and other benefits, it is not too late to upgrade your membership.
Premium membership starts at just €18 per year, during which there will typically be 2 American and 2 European sales – so do the math! More details on the Renew / Upgrade page.
Meanwhile, we would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate, following the instructions here.
We are delighted to report that our new Grant initiative has been very well received, so we would like to generate additional funds to meet the demand. With this in mind, be aware that we are reviewing the prices for sales later in the year.
First published on 30 March, 2024.
American Seedbank closed, but European Seedbank will open shortly
The American Seedbank is now closed for the season. Thank you to Bob for organizing the sale and making it such a success, as always!
Thank you to all the purchasers! If you have not yet received your seeds, they should be on the way shortly. However, if you are concerned, please email AmericanSeedbank [at] this domain or submit a contact form.
The next sale will be the first European Seedbank sale of 2024 and will open shortly – watch this page for an announcement. Existing prices will continue to apply for this upcoming sale.
Please be advised that the prices are under review for future sales, in order to generate additional funds for grant-giving.
Meanwhile, we would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate, following the instructions here.
First published on 23 March, 2024.
American Seedbank Sale Spring 2024 Open to All Members
The sale is now open to all PSI Members and can be found here.
Not currently a PSI member? Join today for free!
The sale will remain open until Saturday, March 23rd at 10am PDT (6pm BST).
First published on 18 March, 2024.
American Seedbank Sale Spring 2024 is closed for stocktaking – back soon!
The American seedbank is temporarily closed for stocktaking, but is expected to reopen for all members (including basic) tomorrow (Monday, March 18th) at about 10am PDT.
Not currently a PSI member? Join as a Basic Member for free!
If you’d like, you can preview the sale here once you have logged in.
Some new stock has been added and many of the items shown are still available, but several are now sold out.
First published on 17 March, 2024.
American Seedbank Sale Spring 2024 Open
The sale is now open to PSI Premium Members and can be found here.
All other members can continue to access the preview page here.
First published on 12 March, 2024.
American Seedbank Sale Spring 2024
Bob Holzinger will open the Spring 2024 American Seedbank Sale to Premium Members on Tuesday, March 12th, and to Basic Members as well on Monday, March 18th. Those who have kindly donated seeds will be able to access the sale a few days earlier. For more details, please go to the American Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in.
Please note that both sale windows are shorter than last year (only 5 days each), so don’t delay!
Members living outside America are also welcome to order from this sale, but please understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
To ensure seeds arrive in the best possible condition, Bob will box up all orders. This does mean an increase in postal charges but seed prices continue to be $2 per bag for Premium Members.
If you are a Basic Member and want to take advantage of this low price (instead of the standard $4), as well as priority access to the sale and other benefits, it is not too late to upgrade your membership.
Premium membership starts at just $20 per year, during which there will typically be 2 American and 2 European sales – so do the math! More details on the Renew / Upgrade page.
The European Seedbank will reopen in a month’s time, and similar low prices will continue to apply for this sale – but see below. Meanwhile, we would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate, following the instructions here.
We are delighted to report that our new Grant initiative has been very well received, so we would like to generate additional funds to meet the demand. With this in mind, be aware that we are reviewing the prices for sales later in the year.
First published on 5 March, 2024.
Last revised on 6 March, 2024.
Journal backnumbers now restored
We have now restored all those backnumbers of our journal Passiflora which were corrupted when we changed service provider a couple of years ago. We are sorry that it has taken so long. Once you have logged in, you can find these here or on the menu under Publications | Passiflora the PSI Journal | Downloads
In addition, again after logging in, you can view the more recent numbers on line page by page here or on the menu under Publications | Passiflora the PSI Journal | View
We have also restored the hi-res version of the 5 most recent issues of the Passiflora Online Journal which had suffered a similar fate.
We believe all issues of Passiflorunde and other journals and media are now in good shape, but please submit a contact form if you experience any issues
First published on 7 February, 2024.
Last revised on 5 March, 2024.
PSI Grants and how to apply
The Grants Committee has now published details of how to apply for grants and related information, which you will find under the menu item Grants.
The committee is now welcoming applications for 2024, and if you are are interested urges you to read the information and apply as soon as possible.
First published on 3 February, 2024.
Digital journal now available
The hard copy journal went to the printers on 16th January, and all those entitled should by now have received their copy, but please submit a contact form if you have not received yours yet.
There have been a few technical difficulties with the digital version, but we are pleased to say that these have now been surmounted, and digital members can either
Those of you who are sharp-eyed may notice that the Passiflora on the back cover of the digital version is slightly different from the one that appeared on the back of the printed edition. Unfortunately our design editor, Rob McPhail, was on holiday when the final copy went to the printers, so it was not until his return that he spotted that the beautiful flower shown was none other than his new cultivar P. ‘Camelot’, and not the remarkably similar P. munzii as intended. The mistake has been rectified in the digital version. Our apologies to Rob.
First published on 30 January, 2024.
Happy New Year! New journal imminent
A Happy New Year to all members and friends of PSI
We have lots of exciting things scheduled for you for 2024, and here is a start !
A new 58-page issue of our journal Passiflora will shortly be published, and will be:
- sent in printed form to all those who have full premium membership, and
- made available in digital form to all those with digital subscriptions
at the record date, that is 6pm GMT on Saturday 13th January 2024.
If you wish to receive it, please make sure your membership and postal address are up to date, and if necessary renew, upgrade or update, by then
First published on 10 January, 2024.
European Seedbank Winter 2023 sale now closed
The European Seedbank Winter 2023 sale is now closed. Watch out for the next American and European sales which are expected to be in Spring 2024
First published on 21 December, 2023.
European Seedbank Sale Winter 2023 now open to all
The Winter 2023 European Seedbank Sale is now open to all members, basic and premium, and will remain open for one week, until 6.30pm GMT (19.30 CET) on Wednesday 20th December. For more details, please go to the European Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in. You can access the sale page here or via the preview page.
Members living outside Europe are most welcome to order from this sale, but in the present uncertain times will understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
PLEASE NOTE that seeds already purchased and those purchased during the next week may be despatched a few days later than usual as Robert Dostal, our European Seedbank manager, has been unwell, but we are pleased to say is now recovering.
First published on 13 December, 2023.
European Seedbank Sale closed for stocktaking
The European Seedbank Sale is now closed for stocktaking, but will reopen in 24 hours at 6.30pm GMT (19.30 CET).
The preview page continues to be available.
First published on 12 December, 2023.
PSI establishes Grants Committee and makes first award
Following feedback from members at the AGM in October, the Management Committee of PSI has resolved to offer grants to facilitate Passiflora research, conservation and other projects in pursuance of PSI’s stated mission. These grants are to be open to all suitably qualified persons, whether academics or otherwise.
The first grant has already been made, being US$1,000 towards the cost of a one month field trip to Bolivia led by Yero Kuethe, with the goals of
- Rediscovery of lost Passiflora species, and their documentation, especially in Yero’s planned monograph on the genus
- Discovery of new species to be herbarized and catalogued for official publication
- Assessment of the conservation status of these species
To oversee the administration of these grants, and recommend to it which applications should be accepted, the Management Committee has set up a Grants Committee and appointed its first members who are:
- Markus Varga, PSI Conservation Officer, Convener
- Deborah Austin
- Sergio Lloreda
- John MacDougal
- John Vanderplank
Each calendar year the amount available for that year will be set by the Management Committee. For 2024 the total is expected to amount to US$2,000, to be divided between one or more projects.
The Grants Committee will post further details on this site in due course, including guidelines for applicants and a form of application.
First published on 11 December, 2023.
European Seedbank Sale Winter 2023 open
The Winter 2023 European Seedbank Sale is now open to Premium Members. For more details, please go to the European Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in. You can access the sale page here or via the preview page.
Members living outside Europe are most welcome to order from this sale, but in the present uncertain times will understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
First published on 4 December, 2023.
European Seedbank Winter 2023 Sale opening soon
Robert Dostal will open the European Seedbank Winter 2023 Sale to Premium Members on Monday 4th December, and to Basic Members on Wednesday 13th December. Those who have kindly donated seeds for this sale will be able to access it a few days earlier. For more details, please go to the European Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in.
Members living outside Europe are most welcome to order from this sale, but in the present uncertain times will understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
Seed prices are being held at €2 per bag for Premium members.
If you are a basic member and want to take advantage of this low price (instead of the standard $4), as well as priority access to the sale and other benefits, it is not too late to upgrade your membership. Premium membership starts at just €18 per year, during which there will typically be 3 or 4 sales – so do the maths ! More details on the Renew / Upgrade page.
The American Seedbank will reopen in a few months’ time, and similar low prices will continue to apply. Meanwhile Bob Holzinger, the manager, would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate for it, following the instructions you will find here.
First published on 29 November, 2023.
First batch of 2023 cultivars registered
As explained in the introduction to the recent register, we now aim to post online the individual register entry of each new cultivar as soon as practical after it has been accepted by the Registrar, Christopher Taube.
The first four applications in 2023 were initially made between May and July 2023. Now that they have been completed and accepted, they have been added as #290-#293.
You can see them by clicking on the link in the compact index or, if you prefer, the full name index.
They will appear in the next printed register in due course.
We hope your cultivar will be next. You’ll find full details of how to apply on the register page.
First published on 9 October, 2023.
PSI 2023 AGM outline agenda
As has already been announced, the PSI 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in 10 days time at the Holiday Inn Town Lake, Austin, Texas.
The management committee of PSI and its officers will report to those present at the meeting on the past year’s activities, set out their plans for the coming year, and answer any questions raised from the floor about them.
If any members would like to raise any other topics that may not be covered in the reports, they should send them in writing to the Secretary [at] passiflorasociety.org, or submit a contact form, so that he can add them to the agenda.
Members who cannot be present but would like to submit questions relating to the reports are also invited to send them in in the same way, so that the relevant officer can address them.
First published on 4 October, 2023.
Register of Passiflora Cultivars 2020-2 published
The latest register is now in the post to full premium members, and some of you may already have received it. If you haven’t received your copy by say-mid October, please submit a contact form so we can investigate.
Digital members and others can view it now on the register page.
We have added two new features which we hope you will find useful:
- the ability to read each register on line like a book (tab 8)
- indexes to allow you to search for an individual cultivar and call up its entry (tab 9)
In addition, in future as each cultivar application is approved, its entry will be shown and accessible via the index page. These entries will then be gathered together at the end of each year or other period and used to form the register proper, in both digital and printed form.
First published on 21 September, 2023.
New journal imminent – Register of cultivars 2020-2022
A new 70-page issue of our Journal Passiflora, containing the Register of Cultivars 2020-2022 will shortly be published, and will be:
- sent in printed form to all those who have full premium membership, and
- made available in digital form to all those with digital subscriptions
at the record date, that is midnight GMT on Sunday 10th September 2023.
If you wish to receive it, please make sure your membership and postal address are up to date, and if necessary renew, upgrade or update, by then
This is also the deadline for registering for the Austin conference – you MUST register by then if you wish to come – we do hope you will join us, but sadly we will not be able to accept late entries. More details on the registration page.
First published on 4 September, 2023.
Austin programme finalised and registration open
The Austin progamme is now finalised and registration is open.
Highlights include:
- whole day field trip to find Passiflora in the wild, led by Wesley Franks
- visit to Larry Gilbert’s greenhouses and collection of butterfly-friendly Passiflora
- presentations by John MacDougal, Larry Gilbert and colleagues, and Matt Lanas (on his search for Passiflora in the jungles of Papua New Guinea)
- visit to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center and its unique collection of native American flora
and of course the usual opportunity to sell and exchange seeds, cuttings and plants, many specially prepared for the conference
Please register using the form provided and in any event NOT LATER THAN SUNDAY 10th SEPTEMBER, after which we will not be able to accept further registrations.
To secure the discounted room rates we have obtained, please read the hotel booking instructions carefully.
First published on 20 August, 2023.
Last revised on 22 August, 2023.
PSI Conference and Study Trip 2023 update – now it’s YOUR TURN !
Please check out the updated the Austin programme here and use the form to give us your suggestions and let us know if you may be able to come.
There is no commitment at this stage, but to plan transport, restaurants etc we do need a rough idea how many to cater for, who will have a car and so on.
Please help us to make this a great conference.
If you have any questions, just send in a contact form and we’ll get back to you asap.
Please also let us know about the Brazil Study Trip at the same time.
Thank you so much.
First published on 1 July, 2023.
PSI Conference and Study Trip 2023
We are pleased to announce not one but two new events for our members:
- the 2023 conference which will be held at Austin Texas from 12th to 15th October. Highlights include:
- whole day field trip to find Passiflora in the wild, led by Wesley Franks
- visit to Larry Gilbert’s greenhouses and butterfly-friendly Passiflora collection
- presentations by John MacDougal, Larry Gilbert and others
- a very special Study Trip to Brazil to visit Embrapa’s centres in Brasilia and Cruz das Almas from 17th to 29th October
- Embrapa is Brazil’s premier agricultural research institute and specialises in Passiflora, ornamental as well as for fruit
- you will hear about their latest work on topics such as breeding, RNA, cultivation, disease protection and nutraceutical applications
- you will be also able to meet some of their outstanding team of scientists, and discuss these and other topics with them
To complete the programs at both events, we now need your input. Please follow the links above to learn more and fill in the preliminary registration/expression of interest forms, stating your preferences and suggestions.
First published on 9 June, 2023.
Last revised on 12 June, 2023.
European Seedbank Spring 2023 Sale now closed
The European Seedbank Seed Sale 2023 is now closed. Thank you to Rob for organising this sale single-handed and making it a success, as always.
Thank you too to all the purchasers: if you are one, but have not yet received your seeds, they should be on the way shortly, but may have been held up in the post. However, if you are concerned, please email EuropeanSeedbank [at] … or submit a contact form.
The next sale will be by the American Seedbank later in the year – watch this page for an announcement.
Meanwhile if you do have some spare seeds, or are able to grow some specially, please do think of our seedbanks and drop a line to one of the managers. For more information, please see How to Donate Seeds.
First published on 13 May, 2023.
European Seedbank Sale Spring 2023 open for all members
The Spring 2023 European Seedbank Sale to is now open all members, including basic. For more details, please go to the European Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in. You can access the sale page here or via the preview page.
Members living outside Europe are most welcome to order from this sale, but in the present uncertain times will understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
Please note that our seedbank manager is currently unwell, but we wish him a speedy restoration to good health. He hopes to resume shipping in a week or so.
Meanwhile please continue to purchase seeds, but bear in mind that they may take a liitle longer to arrive than usual. Seeds already purchased by premium members may also be delayed for a few days. We apologise for any inconvenience.
First published on 1 May, 2023.
European Seedbank Sale Spring 2023 now closed for stocktaking
The Spring 2023 European Seedbank Sale to Premium Members is now closed for stocktaking, but will reopen at 19.30 CEST (6.30pm BST) tomorrow 1st May. You can still preview the sale once you have logged in.
First published on 30 April, 2023.
European Seedbank Sale Spring 2023 open
The Spring 2023 European Seedbank Sale to Premium Members is now open. Apologies for the slight delay. For more details, please go to the European Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in. You can access the sale page here or via the preview page.
Members living outside Europe are most welcome to order from this sale, but in the present uncertain times will understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
First published on 22 April, 2023.
European Seedbank Sale Spring 2023 opening soon
Robert Dostal will open the Spring 2023 European Seedbank Sale to Premium Members on Saturday 22nd April, and to Basic Members on Monday 1st May. Those who have kindly donated seeds for thi9s sale will be able to access the sale a few days earlier (according to their level of membership). For more details, please go to the European Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in.
Members living outside Europe are most welcome to order from this sale, but in the present uncertain times will understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
Seed prices are being held at $2 per bag for Premium members, and that includes 3 SURPRISE MULTIPACKS containing respectively 5 bags of Decaloba seeds, 5 of subgenus Passiflora and 4 of Tacsonia.
If you are a basic member and want to take advantage of this low price (instead of the standard $4), as well as priority access to the sale and other benefits, it is not too late to upgrade your membership. Premium membership starts at just €18 per year, during which there will typically be 2 American and 2 European sales – so do the maths ! More details on the Renew / Upgrade page.
The American Seedbank will reopen in a few months’ time, and similar low prices will continue to apply. Meanwhile Bob Holzinger, the manager, would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate for it, following the instructions you will find here.
First published on 20 April, 2023.
American Seedbank closed but European will open shortly
The American Seedbank is now closed. Thank you to Bob for organising the sale and making it such a success, as always.
Thank you too to all the purchasers: if you are one, but have not yet received your seeds, they should be on the way shortly. However, if you are concerned, please email AmericanSeedbank [at] this domain or submit a contact form.
The next sale will be the first European Seedbank sale of 2023 and will open shortly – watch this page for an announcement.
First published on 10 April, 2023.
American Seedbank Sale Spring 2023 extended one more day !
Due to popular demand, the sale will remain open one more day, and now close at 10am PDT Monday 10th April
It can be found here
First published on 9 April, 2023.
American Seedbank Sale Spring 2023 Open to All Members
The sale is now open to all PSI members and can be found here
It will close on 9th April at 10am PDT (6pm PDT)
First published on 1 April, 2023.
American Seedbank Sale Spring 2023 – closed for stocktake – back soon!
The seedbank is now closed for stocktaking but is expected to reopen for all members (including basic) tomorrow Saturday 1st April at about 10am PDT (6pm BST).
Meanwhile you can continue to preview the sale here, once you have logged in. Some new stock has been added and most of the items shown are still available, but a few are now sold out.
First published on 31 March, 2023.
American Seedbank Sale Spring 2023 – more stock added !
Disappointed that some items were sold out ? Check again, as new stock has been added to 12 of the most popular items.
If you are quick and your order has not already been despatched, you may not need to pay additional postage. If in doubt, check with Bob.
First published on 25 March, 2023.
American Seedbank Sale Spring 2023 Open
The sale is now open to PSI premium members and can be found here
First published on 22 March, 2023.
American Seedbank Sale Spring 2023
Bob Holzinger will open the Spring 2023 American Seedbank Sale to Premium Members on Wednesday 22nd March, and to Basic Members on Saturday 1st April (NB corrected date and times!). Those who have kindly donated seeds will be able to access the sale a few days earlier. For more details, please go to the American Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in.
Members living outside America are most welcome to order from this sale, but in the present uncertain times will understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
To ensure seeds arrive in as good a condition as possible, Bob will in future either split larger orders into 2 or more packets, or use boxes. This does mean an increase in postal charges but seed prices are being held at $2 per bag for Premium members.
If you are a basic member and want to take advantage of this low price (instead of the standard $4), as well as priority access to the sale and other benefits, it is not too late to upgrade your membership. Premium membership starts at just $20 per year, during which there will typically be 2 American and 2 European sales – so do the maths ! More details on the Renew / Upgrade page.
The European Seedbank will reopen in a month or two’s time, and similar low prices will continue to apply. Meanwhile they would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate for it, following the instructions you will find here.
First published on 14 March, 2023.
Last revised on 18 March, 2023.
European Seedbank Winter 2022 Sale now closed
The European Seedbank is now closed. Thank you to Sal and Rob for organising the sale and making it such a success, as always.
Thank you too to all the purchasers: if you are one, but have not yet received your seeds, they should be on the way shortly, but may have been held up by the postal problems that have dogged deliveries to the seedbank on this occasion. However, if you are concerned, please email EuropeanSeedbank [at] … or submit a contact form.
The next sale will be by the American Seedbank in the New Year – watch this page for an announcement.
Meanwhile we wish all our members and friends a happy festive season and a prosperous New Year.
First published on 15 December, 2022.
European Seedbank Winter 2022 Sale now open again – really
The seedbank is now open again – really. Apologies for earlier glitch.
It will remain open until Thursday 15th December 2022, when it will close at about 6pm GMT (19:00 CET).
First published on 8 December, 2022.
European Seedbank Winter 2022 Sale not quite open after all
Apologies again. Some glitch which should be fixed by 15.00 GMT.
First published on 8 December, 2022.
European Seedbank Winter 2022 Sale now open again
The seedbank is now open again. It will remain open until Thursday 15th December 2022, when it will close at about 6pm GMT (19:00 CET).
First published on 8 December, 2022.
European Seedbank Winter 2022 Sale now reopening Thursday
Stocktaking is lasting a bit longer than usual. Instead of today, we’ll aim to reopen about midday tomorrow Thursday 8th December (CET 13:00)
Apologies for any inconvenience.
First published on 7 December, 2022.
European Seedbank Winter 2022 Sale closed for stocktaking
The sale is now closed for stocktaking and will reopen to all members at about 6pm GMT (19:00 CET) tomorrow 7th December
First published on 6 December, 2022.
European Winter 2022 Sale is open
The European Winter 2022 Seedbank sale is now open to Premium Members at discounted prices. It will close for stocktaking at 6pm GMT (19:00 CET) on Tuesday 6th December, and will reopen to all members at regular prices on Wednesday 7th December at 6pm GMT – remember to log in first!
All members can preview it here once they have logged in.
First published on 25 November, 2022.
European Winter 2022 Sale opening shortly
The European Winter 2022 Seedbank sale will open to Premium Members on Friday 25th November at about 2.30pm GMT, and to Basic Members on Wednesday 7th December at 6pm GMT – remember to log in first!
All seeds will be at our new low price of €2 per packet to Premium Members and €4 to Basic Members, with some special offers (did we say Black Friday?!) at half price.
Quantities of some of the rarer seeds are very restricted, so if are a Basic Member and want the best availability and lowest prices, it’s not too late to log in and upgrade your membership!
Those who have kindly donated seeds will be able to access it 2 days earlier, and will be notified separately.
Meanwhile you can preview it here.
First published on 23 November, 2022.
Time to vote !
The Hyères Conference opens on Friday, although many of you are arriving a day or 2 early. The programme has now been updated, with more details including speakers added.
On Saturday 22nd, we’ll have the AGM and Elections. If you are a premium member but can’t be there, you can still vote on-line. For more information, please login and go here. Indeed, even if you can be there, please do cast your vote now so we can speed up the meeting and be sure of a quorum. Basic members are welcome to attend the meeting, but may not vote.
First published on 15 October, 2022.
Notice of PSI 2022 AGM
Notice is hereby given that the 2022 Annual General Meeting of PSI will be held at the Mercure Hotel Hyères Centre, 19 Avenue Ambroise Thomas, 83400 Hyères, France from 2.00pm to 3.30pm CEST (=GMT+2) on Saturday 22nd October 2022 (the second day of the Hyères conference).
Outline Agenda
The business of the meeting will include:
- Presentation of Accounts
- Consideration of 3 motions relating to the constitution, and voting thereon
- Reports by officers
- Election of Management Committee (from whom officers will be chosen)
- If you would be interested in joining the committee, becoming an officer or helping in some other way, however small, the Secretary would be delighted to hear from you. Please email him at this address ASAP and in any event NOT LATER THAN 13th OCTOBER
- Opportunity for further questions and discussion
After the AGM there will be a short break, followed by a Presentation Session from 3.45pm to 7pm, for which topics and names of speakers will be announced shortly.
Further details, attendance and voting
For further details, including attendance and voting, please login and see the full notice and agenda here.
First published on 1 October, 2022.
PSI introduces Academic Subscriptions
One of PSI’s key aims is the sharing of knowledge of the genus, its species and cultivars throughout the world. To further that aim, and assist those who are among the best placed to develop that knowledge, we are pleased to announce the introduction of Academic Subscriptions at 25% of the regular rate.
These subscriptions are open to all those spending at least 10 hours per week studying, researching or teaching a relevant subject at a recognised academic, botanic or horticultural (but not commercial) institution.
Further details will be found here.
First published on 29 September, 2022.
Seedbank now closed
The American Seedbank September 2022 Sale is now closed, but it won’t be long before Bob holds his next sale in the New Year.
Thank you to everyone, especially Bob, for making it yet another success.
Meanwhile Rob and Sal plan to open their next European sale in early November – not long to wait !
And remember ! Suitable donations, especially species, are always welcome and will earn you priority access. More information here.
First published on 29 September, 2022.
Sale now open to all members !
The American Seedbank September 2022 Sale is now open to all members and will be found here once you have logged in. We apologise for the short delay.
Although prices are no longer discounted, the number of seeds per packet has been increased in several cases, typically by 100%. You can spot these bargains if you look out for the magic word “NOW” in front of the number of seeds. In other cases, where stocks were running low we have been able to top up the number of available.
The preview page is here.
First published on 23 September, 2022.
Seedbank stocktake running late
The American Seedbank stocktake is taking longer than expected, and the sale will therefore not reopen at 6pm BST (10amPDT) as scheduled, but a few hours later, when a further announcement will be made. Please watch this space, and accept our apologies for any inconvenience.
First published on 23 September, 2022.
Seedbank closed for stocktake – back again soon !
The American Seedbank is now closed to all members during stock-taking. It will reopen to Basic as well as Premium members in 24 hours’ time, that is at 6pm BST, 10am PDT on 23rd September. In the meantime, once you have logged in, you can still visit the Preview page here.
First published on 22 September, 2022.
PSI Journal published
The latest PSI Journal is now with the printers and will start being despatched tomorrow. International postage can take a while, but please send in a contact form if you have not received your journal by 15th October. Digital subscribers can find their copy ready to download, once they have logged in, on our Newsletter Downloads page as usual.
Basic members can purchase both hard copies and digital versions from MagCloud, as can non-members.
Many thanks to Matt Lanas for all his hard work, and to Andrew Adair for the beautiful cover photos of Passiflora gleasonii, and his three articles inside. Other contents include:
- update and report on the questionnaire by John Vanderplank and Robert Rice
- report on the 2019 Madeira meeting by Ivan González and Robert Rice
- discussion of naturally occurring hybrids by John Vanderplank
- research article on the Heliconius butterflies of Western Ecuador and the Passiflora species on which they feed by Ron Boender
- how to recognize Passiflora in their natural environment by Yero Kuethe
- research article on Passiflora hybrida floribunda – the Original Passiflora ‘Amethyst’ ? by Graeme Boocock
- Passiflora antioquiensis plant profile by Leslie A. King
- fond memories of the late Don Ellison by Angela Woolcott, John Vanderplank and Robert Rice
- seedbank, conference and other news
This 54-page bumper issue is labelled “Fall 2020” which reflects the length of time it has taken to produce. We are looking at ways of speeding up the production process so that we can catch up; if you think you might be able to help please do get in touch. Meanwhile work has already started on our next issue, but additional contributions are always welcome. Please submit your ideas or finished articles to our commissioning editor John Vanderplank in the first instance.
First published on 15 September, 2022.
Sale now open !
The American Seedbank September 2022 Sale is now open to Premium Members and will be found here once you have logged in.
The preview page is here.
First published on 14 September, 2022.
New Journal imminent – make sure your membership is up to date !
The latest issue of our journal Passiflora is going to press shortly. At 54 pages, it is one of our biggest yet and is packed with interesting and helpful articles – reportage, original research, how-to guides – it’s all there!
Hard copies will be sent to those full premium members, and digital copies made available to those digital members, whose membership is active at 10pm GMT on 12th September – so please make sure your address details and subscription are up to date ! If it has expired, just log in, and a link will take you to the correct page. To update your address, login and go to Membership | Edit Profile; make sure you include a phone number to facilitate delivery.
If you’re a basic member and would like to upgrade, log in and then go to the menu and find Membership | Renew / Upgrade.
First published on 9 September, 2022.
American Seedbank Sale September 2022 – Prices Slashed !!
Bob Holzinger will open the September 2022 American Seedbank Sale to Premium Members on Wednesday 14th September, and to Basic Members on Friday 23rd September. Those who have kindly donated seeds will be able to access the sale a few days earlier. For more details, please go to the American Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in.
Members living outside America are most welcome to order from this sale, but in the present uncertain times will understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
To improve benefits to loyal members, and keep PSI in line with its not-for-profit ethos and its mission to promote the cultivation and propagation of Passiflora, Bob has slashed his prices for Premium members. Each packet will now cost $2, compared with $3 previously – that’s a 50% discount to the new $4 price for basic members.
If you are a basic member and want to take advantage of the new low price, as well as priority access to the sale and other benefits, it is not too late to upgrade your membership. Premium membership starts at just $20 – so do the maths ! More details on the Renew / Upgrade page.
Sal La Delfa and Robert Dostal plan to re-open the European Seedbank in a month or two’s time, and similar low prices will apply. Meanwhile they would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate for it, following the instructions you will find here.
First published on 7 September, 2022.
Hyères update 2
We were was most grateful to Sylvain Teysseire when he kindly offered to help Christian Houël host the 2022 PSI conference at Hyères in the South of France. So it was a terrible shock to hear of the freak storm that hit Hyères a few days ago, causing extensive damage to his greenhouses and stock of plants. It also inflicted significant damage on Christian’s National Collection of Passiflora which Sylvain was hosting.
All members of PSI will wish to extend their sympathy to both of them and, those who can, their readiness to help put them back on their feet – more on this in due course.
Despite this setback, the PSI conference will go ahead at Hyères from 21st to 23rd October substantially as planned, although some modification of times and places on the Saturday may be called for once the extent of the damage has been fully assessed.
Although booking is now officially closed, places are still available, but please do book as soon as you can here – otherwise there may not be room for you at the restaurants or on the buses !
First published on 23 August, 2022.
Hyères update
Thank you to all who have registered for the Hyères conference – it looks as if we should have a good multi-national turnout on all three days.
If you haven’t registered yet, please do so as soon as you can, to help us plan and keep the costs down. And don’t worry, if you do find later you can’t come, we will refund your deposit, as long as you tell us by 31st July.
Rooms are no longer guaranteed, so please remember to book your hotel at he same time to be sure of a room.
First published on 17 June, 2022.
Hyeres Conference 2022 Registration Open
We are pleased to announce that the provisional programme for the Conference at Hyeres is now available, and registration is open.
And what a fantastic programme it is !
- Our hotel is only 10 minutes from the beach
- on Friday we visit the beautiful island of Porquerolles with its Conservatoire Botanique National Méditerranéen.
- Saturday we spend the morning at Sylvain Teysseire’s nursery Les Erythrines, viewing Christian Houël’s National Collection of Passiflora, and in the afternoon hold our meeting
- Sunday we visit the Domaine du Rayol, a “Remarkable Garden of France”, showing plants from mediterranean climates around the world
To make sure of your place, please register NOW and most importantly book your hotel room BY 15th JUNE as rooms are only guaranteed till then
For more details, please go to the conference page.
First published on 20 May, 2022.
Seedbank now closed for a few months
The European Seedbank Spring 2022 Sale is now closed, but a new sale will be held later in the year.
Thank you to everyone, especially Robert Dostal and Sal La Delfa, for making our first 2-centre European sale such a success.
First published on 29 April, 2022.
PSI Treasurer
Message from John Vanderplank, President of PSI
As you may have read, Stefania Mattiuzzo is stepping down from the Management Committee and the role of Treasurer. On behalf of PSI, I would like to thank her for all her hard work and support during some difficult times over the last 8 years, and trust that we will continue to enjoy the benefit of her wisdom and experience in future.
I would be pleased to hear from any premium member who feels able to take on her role and be co-opted until the AGM in October, when they can be elected to the Management Committee and formally appointed as Treasurer.
In the meantime, PSI has instructed Newsham Hanson Accountants Limited to prepare accounts for the years ending 31st August 2020 and 31st August 2021 to ensure that the new incumbent can get off to a flying start.
I would also be pleased to hear from any other premium member who wishes to stand for election to the Management Committee in October, when the existing members must retire but may offer themselves for re-election. The committee can have up to 10 members, and it is from them that it appoints the officers.
First published on 24 April, 2022.
Spring 2022 Sale now open to all
The European Spring 2022 Seedbank sale is now open to Basic as well as Premium Members – remember to log in first!
Please read the instructions carefully as we are operating this sale from two centres, Öhringen, Germany and Bedford, England. You can access it here and preview it here.
The sale will close this time next week.
First published on 22 April, 2022.
Time is running out !
Premium members, please remember that your privileged window for the European Seedbank Sale 2022 will close at 6pm BST on Thursday 21st April, so BUY NOW while discounted prices last!
Please read the instructions carefully as we are operating this sale from two centres, Öhringen, Germany and Bedford, England. You can access it here
Basic members, not long to wait: the seedbank will reopen and you will be able to buy from approx. Friday 22nd April 6pm BST = 5pm GMT = 19:00 European Time
Meanwhile all members can preview it here.
First published on 19 April, 2022.
European Spring 2022 Sale opening shortly
The European Spring 2022 Seedbank sale will open to Premium Members once they have logged in at approxinately 6pm BST =5pm GMT = 19:00 European Time today
Please read the instructions carefully as we are operating this sale from two centres, Öhringen, Germany and Bedford, England. You can access it here
Meanwhile all members can preview it here.
Some items are in short supply so if you want to make sure you get the best choice AND discounted prices,
- if you are a Basic Member, consider upgrading to Premium Membership. Options start at just £16 or €18 per year, so with the discounts it could pay for itself !
- if you are already a Premium Member, make sure your membership is up to date – log in to check
First published on 8 April, 2022.
Sale preview gallery open
The European Spring 2022 Seedbank sale is expected to open next week, and can be previewed here.
Some items are in short supply so if you want to make sure you get the best choice AND discounted prices,
- if you are a Basic Member, consider upgrading to Premium Membership. Options start at just £16 or €18 per year, so with the discounts it could pay for itself !
- if you are already a Premium Member, make sure your membership is up to date – log in to check
First published on 2 April, 2022.
European Seedbank Spring 2022 Sale
We are delighted to announce that the European Seedbank Spring 2022 Sale will open shortly, and that Robert Dostal, who is based in Öhringen, Germany, and will be known to many of you, has kindly agreed to help Sal La Delfa with it.
The preview gallery is expected to open on Saturday 2nd April, and details of the the timetable will be made available at the same time.
First published on 1 April, 2022.
Hyeres Conference 2022 – Save the new date !
It’s hard to believe it, but a few days ago we heard that, like St Jory before it, Montauban had fallen through as a location for our PSI 2022 Conference. But Christian Houël, our persevering organiser for this event, was not going to be defeated ! Within a few days he had arranged for Sylvain Teysseire to step into the breach with his wonderful greenhouses at Hyères. We are enormously grateful to Sylvain, whose website you can check out at https://www.lejardindeserythrines.com/
Programme details will be announced shortly and a new booking form made available. Meanwhile, please SAVE THE NEW DATE !
Hyères is in the South of France, where it is still quite hot in September, so we have decided to move the conference to the following month, that is from 21-23 October, the week before school half-terms begin.
Hyères is very close to Toulon international airport, and not far from those at Marseilles and Nice. Apart from the beaches and restaurants, there are many gardens, activities and other places to visit nearby.
We do apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but are confident that the excellent new venue will make this conference one of our best ever.
We would also like to thank Charles Boulanger who kindly offered his “Jardin Jungle” in Normandie as an alternative venue, an offer which we hope to take up at a later date. You can find his website here: https://www.jardinjungle.com/.
First published on 1 April, 2022.
Seedbank now closed – but will open again soon
The American Seedbank February 2022 Sale is now closed.
However the European Seedbank March 2022 sale will open shortly – WATCH THIS SPACE !
First published on 24 February, 2022.
Seedbank now open again
The American Seedbank is now open to all members (including basic) until 10am PDT on Thursday 24th February.
For more information and an idea of what you may be able to buy, please log in and go to the preview page.
Once you have logged in, the sale page is here.
First published on 18 February, 2022.
Seedbank stocktake and reopening deferred 26 hours
The American Seedbank will now close for stocktaking on Thursday 17th February, and reopen to all members (including basic) on Friday 18th February, in both cases at about 12 noon PDT, a day or so later than previously advertised.
This is due to an unexpected change in travel arrangements. We apologise for any inconvenience it may cause.
For more information and an idea of what you may be able to buy, please see the preview page.
First published on 16 February, 2022.
Seedbank sale – more seeds added !
Following additional donations, we are pleased to announce that seeds are expected shortly of P. caduca, P. chocoensis, P. choconiana, P. pittieri and more. Additional postage will not be required as long as your order has not yet been despatched (eg because you have ordered other seeds marked “EXPECTED SHORTLY”). If in doubt, check with Bob (AmericanSeedbank [at] passiflorasociety.org)
First published on 12 February, 2022.
Sale now open !
The American Seedbank February 2022 Sale is now open to Premium Members and will be found here once you have logged in.
The preview page is here.
First published on 9 February, 2022.
American Seedbank Sale February 2022
Bob Holzinger will open the February 2022 American Seedbank Sale to Premium Members on Wednesday 9th February, and to Basic Members on Thursday 17th February. Those who have kindly donated seeds will be able to access the sale a few days earlier. For more details, please go to the American Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in.
Members living outside America are most welcome to order from this sale, but in the present uncertain times will understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
Sal La Delfa plans to re-open the European Seedbank in around 1 month’s time, and meanwhile would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate to him for it, following the instructions you will find here.
First published on 6 February, 2022.
Website successfully moved
UPDATE – Thursday 10th February
The officer email addresses [at] passiflorasociety.org are now also back in operation.
However some newsletter (and possibly other) downloads are failing to open, and will take a little while to replace – please watch this space
ORIGINAL POST – Saturday 29th January 23:30pm GMT
The website you are viewing is now on the new host platform, and apart from one plugin that needs resetting, the move appears complete, though we are still checking the links.
This includes the membership functions, but if you do encounter any issues with them or elsewhere on the site, please submit a contact form with details.
Many thanks
First published on 29 January, 2022.
Last revised on 10 February, 2022.
Friday 19.30pm GMT
The website will shortly be moving to a new host. We will tell you when the process is complete, which we expect to be by this time tomorrow, but be aware that in the meantime the website may not function as expected.
Many thanks
First published on 28 January, 2022.
Last revised on 10 February, 2022.
PSI Emails down
There is currently a problem with the PSI email servers and all communications to and from addresses [at] passiflorasociety.org are down. We are working to solve the problem, but don’t know how long it will take. Meanwhile, if you wish to contact PSI, please either use an officer’s personal email address, or submit a contact form. Many thanks for bearing with us.
This also means that those trying to register as basic members will not receive a verification email, and so will be prevented from registering. Please return later, or if you need to register urgently please submit a contact form, or email the registrar who is at passifloracultivars dot org.
Renewals and upgrades should not be affected, but if in doubt please also submit a contact form or email the registrar as above.
First published on 21 January, 2022.
Last revised on 10 February, 2022.
PSI Conference 2022
We are pleased at last to be able to announce provisional details of the twice postponed PSI Conference. It is to be held from 16th-18th September 2022 in the historic bastide city of Montauban in south-west France. Apart from the change of location from St Jory, the format is substantially the same as originally planned. Details will be found here.
Through all the ups and downs of Covid 19, Christian Houel has been battling on to ensure that PSI members will eventually be able to meet again in the usual way, and we are enormously grateful to him. Even now we cannot be certain that it will be possible, but we hope to take a final decision in April, at which time a new registration form will be posted so that members can register their interest.
First published on 19 January, 2022.
Reference Library now being populated
We are pleased to announce that we have now started populating our reference library. We aim eventually to include as many authoritative articles on Passifloraceae as we can, prioritising those which are hard to find.
It is organised by authors, so that in some cases a file will focus primarily on one species, in others on many.
Please let us know of any particular authors or articles which are missing which you would like to see added. If you have copies of such articles yourselves which you can send us to upload, please do let us know.
You will also find copies of many articles under the various journals
In accessing any articles from the reference libary and elsewhere on this site, you undertake to use them for your own private study and research, and in most cases you will need to login as a premium member first.
First published on 7 December, 2021.
Sale now closed – but another one soon !
The European Seedbank Winter 2021 sale is now closed. Thank you to both donors and buyers for making it such a success!
The next PSI sale wil the American Seedbank sale early next year, which we hope will be closely followed by another European sale with fresh stock.
If you have any spare seeds from this year’s harvest, Bob and/or Sal would be delighted to hear from you for their next sales. Just follow the instructions here.
Thank you in advance for your generosity !
First published on 5 December, 2021.
European Seedbank now open to all
The European Seedbank Winter 2021 sale is now open to all members, basic as well as premium. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be able to use the link here or on the European Seedbank page
To preview what may be available, please click here.
First published on 25 November, 2021.
Seedbank closed for stocktake – back again soon !
First published on 25 November, 2021.
European Seedbank Winter 2021 sale open
The European Seedbank Winter 2021 sale is now open to all paid-up premium members. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be able to use the link here or on the European Seedbank page
It will open to basic members on 25th November, but if you are impatient, think about upgrading your membership – you’ll find more choice, and lower prices, so the upgrade could pay for itself ! Just login then go to the renew/upgrade page.
To preview what may be available, please click here.
First published on 15 November, 2021.
European Seedbank Winter Sale 2021
Sal La Delfa will open the Winter 2021 European Seedbank Sale to Premium Members on Monday 15th November, and to Basic Members on Thursday 25th November. Those who have kindly donated seeds will be able to access the sale a few days earlier. For more details, please go to the European Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in.
Members living outside Europe are most welcome to order from this sale, but in the present uncertain times will understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
Bob Holzinger plans to re-open the American Seedbank in around 3 months time, and meanwhile would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate to him for it, following the instructions you will find here.
First published on 5 November, 2021.
Passiflora Cultivar Register now on main PSI site
The process of transferring the PSI register to this site is now complete. In addition to being able to consult past registers, you can now apply to register your new cultivars by selecting the new Register tab on the menu and selecting item 2. HOW TO APPLY TO REGISTER A NEW CULTIVAR and following the instructions there.
Apart from minor changes to the Ts and Cs reflecting the move, the form itself is unchanged.
In the event of any queries, please contact the registrar, who is still at passifloracultivars.org.
First published on 1 September, 2021.
Seedbank sale: last call for all members
The PSI American Seedbank Summer 2021 Sale will close later today 26th August at 10am PDT (6pm BST, 5pm GMT).
To access the sale, please follow this link, once you have logged in
You’ve just got time – otherwise you’ll have to wait until the next one, around the end of the year.
However a European Seedbank sale is planned shortly – watch this space !
In the mean time, if you do have seeds to donate to it, Sal would love to hear from you.
For more information, please see how to donate seeds.
First published on 26 August, 2021.
American Seedbank reopens to all members
The PSI American Seedbank Summer 2021 Sale is now open to all members, basic as well as premium.
It will remain open until 10am PDT (6pm BST, 5pm GMT) on 26th August.
To access the sale, please follow this link, once you have logged in
First published on 17 August, 2021.
Seedbank: last call for premium members
The American Seedbank will close for stocktaking at 10am PDT today, and will reopen after stocktaking at 10am PDT tomorrow. It will then be available to basic members as well, and prices will no longer be discounted.
First published on 16 August, 2021.
Sale now open !
The American Seedbank Summer 2021 Sale is now open to Premium Members and will be found here once you have logged in.
The preview page is here.
First published on 5 August, 2021.
American Seedbank Summer 2021 Sale
Bob Holzinger will open the Summer 2021 American Seedbank Sale to Premium Members on Thursday 5th August, and to Basic Members on Tuesday 17th August. Those who have kindly donated seeds will be able to access the sale a few days earlier. For more details, please go to the American Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in.
Members living outside America are most welcome to order from this sale, but in the present uncertain times will understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery. That said, all such orders arrived last time with one exception.
Sal La Delfa plans to re-open the European Seedbank in a couple of months, and meanwhile would be very grateful for any seeds you are able to donate to him for it, following the instructions you will find here.
First published on 25 July, 2021.
New Register – erratum
Whoops ! Stefania Mattiuzzo’s beautiful new cultivar (Register #246) was misspelt in the register just published; this was almost entirely my fault as Registrar, for failing to ensure the proof was double-checked: I present to her my humble apologies. Its correct spelling is Passiflora ‘Gocce di Cielo’. The digital version of the register, which can be found here, has now been corrected, as well as the print version available for purchase on MagCloud here. To help any member who wishes to purchase the corrected version, the price will be held at cost price until the end of July.
Robert Rice
First published on 8 July, 2021.
New Register of Passiflora Cultivars
The Register of Passiflora Cultivars 2018-2019 has now been published as issue 30(1) of our journal Passiflora.
Hard copies are being mailed to everyone on the premium member list as at the press date, 15th June 2021, except for those requiring a digital copy only, which they can find on our Newsletter Downloads page. It can also be found and accessed by all (including non-members) on our Passiflora Cultivar Register page, which has now been overhauled to include copies of all past registers. These have been given clearer and more consistent filenames, and are accompanied by notes on how to cite them, and how to apply to register your new cultivar. Do it now, and you’ll be in time for the register for 2020-2021, planned for the first half of next year !
Basic members will shortly be able to purchase hard copies from MagCloud, as will non-members.
First published on 24 June, 2021.
Register imminent – make sure your membership is paid up !
The Register of Passiflora Cultivars 2018-2019 (44 pages) will be published shortly and hard copies sent to those with full premium membership active at 10pm GMT on 14th June – so please make sure your membership is up to date ! If it has expired, just log in, and a link will take you to the correct page.
If you’re a basic member and would like to upgrade, log in and then go to the menu and find Membership | Renew / Upgrade.
First published on 12 June, 2021.
PSI conference further postponed to 2022
In view of the continuing risks, restrictions and uncertainities relating to travel and meetings due to Covid-19, it has been thought wisest to further postpone the conference that would have been held this October at Saint-Jory in south west France to 16-18 September 2022. As before the conference will be hosted by Christian Houël, but will now be held at Montauban, a few miles further north, with the kind assistance of Les Fleurs du Sud. The structure will be similar, with Saturday 17th as the main day, with visits to the collection, meetings and dinner. A range of optional activities will be offered on the Friday and Sunday.
This is disappointing to all of us, not least to Christian who has put in so much work organising it, but we hope you will understand.
Further details will be announced in the autumn, when registration will reopen. Those who have already registered for the St Jory conference will be invited to update or cancel their registration as they wish.
First published on 28 May, 2021.
PSI Seedbank sales now closed
The PSI American and European Seedbank Sales are now closed. Thank you to all members who have donated, purchased and helped distribute seeds, and a big thank you and congratulations to Bob for his successful debut as American Seedbank manager, and to Sal for yet another brilliant European Seedbank sale.
Each of them hopes to hold at least one more sale in 2021, later in the year – watch this space !
First published on 28 February, 2021.
PSI Seedbanks reopen to all members
The PSI American and European seedbanks are now open again to all members, until the end of the month.
Many unusual seeds still available, starting at €1.75 per packet.
First published on 18 February, 2021.
Seedbanks closing for 8 hours for stocktake
Please note that both seedbanks will close briefly at 10am GMT (2am PST) on Thursday 18th February and reopen at 6pm GMT (10am PST) the same day for all members
First published on 17 February, 2021.
More items added to European sale
Five more items have been added to the European Seedbank sale, including one special at €1.50. Check ’em out !
First published on 9 February, 2021.
More seeds added !
Wow! Thank you for your fantastic response to our seed sales, especially that of our newly reoopened American Seedbank, which in less than 12 hours has seen 8 lines sold out. We’ve found a few more P. trifoliata, P. peduncularis and P. sidifolia x P. actinia, so if you were disappointed, get in there while stocks last !
First published on 8 February, 2021.
Seedbanks open to Premium Members
The American Seedbank Sale 2021 is now open to premium members. Once you have logged in, please go to the main American Seedbank page where you will find a link to the sale.
The European Seedbank Sale 2021 is also now open to premium members. Once you have logged in, please go to the main European Seedbank page where you will find a link to the sale.
First published on 7 February, 2021.
American and European seedbanks opening
We are pleased to announce that Bob Holzinger has been appointed manager of the PSI American Seedbank. We are grateful to his predecessor, Jorge Ochoa, for paving the way, and are only sorry that his day job prevented him from continuing in the role, although he has kindly agreed to help Bob when he can, both in the form both of seed and expertise.
Bob will open his first sale to Premium Members on Sunday 7th February, and to Basic Members on Thursday 18th February. Those who have kindly donated seeds will be able to access the sale a few days earlier. For more details, please go to the American Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in.
Meanwhile Sal La Delfa, in response to the strong demand for seeds in his previous sale, will reopen the European Seedbank on exactly the same dates. For more details, please go to the European Seedbank page. You will also be able to preview the sale once you have logged in.
Members living outside the relevant areas are most welcome to order from the two seedbanks, but in the present uncertain times will understand that we are unable to guarantee delivery.
First published on 26 January, 2021.
2019 PSI Newsletter published – and a questionnaire for you
The 2019 double issue newsletter has been published. Many thanks once again to Matt Lanas for all his hard work and to the many contributors who have made this a bumper 48-pager. Special thanks to Matt Candeias for his guest article on Adenia and to Markus Varga for his practical guide to this fascinating genus in the passionflower family; the sharp-eyed will discern a member species in his photo on the front cover, behind the foreground subject Passiflora edmundoi, which inaugurates our new series of Plant Profiles.
The first item in the issue is an update from your President and Vice-President, in which we ask you all (basic as well as premium members) to complete a PSI and Me questionnaire, to tell us what you would like PSI to be, and how you can help us get there! Please do take a few moments for this – unless you tell us, we may never know !
Other contents include:
- PSI Meeting 2018, Bochum, Germany – report by Rob McPhail
- Passiflora × violacea: The First Hybrid by Leslie A. King
- Two Go To Mexico – field-trip report by John Vanderplank
- A History of Passiflorunde Magazine 1993 – 2013 by Axel Frank
- The “Succulent Passionflowers” by Matt Candeias
- Adenia: A Practical Guide by Markus Varga
- Passiflora Seed & Pollen Part 2 by John Vanderplank
- Remembering François Thuys by Christian Houël
- Plant Profile: Passiflora edmundoi by John Vanderplank
- Butterfly Corner by Martin Wills
- Passiflora Crossword by Leslie A. King
- crossword, recipe, seedbank, conference and other news
Hard copies are being mailed to everyone on the 2019 premium member list AND the current list (as at press date, 26th December 2020), except for those requiring a digital copy only. This can be found on our Newsletter Downloads page as usual.
Basic members can purchase a hard copy with a free digital version from MagCloud, as can non-members. The digital version now has its links and similar features enabled, but is lower resolution than the version on the PSI website – which you may (or may not) find more convenient.
The size of this issue has entailed a slight delay to the 2018/9 Cultivar Register, but that’s next ! This and subsequent issues will only go to premium members on the list just before the date of issue – so make sure your subscription is paid up on time.
Work has also started on the following issue and our commissioning editor, John Vanderplank, would welcome additional contributions.
First published on 5 January, 2021.
Last revised on 8 January, 2021.
European Seedbank Sale 2020 now closed
The PSI European Seedbank is now closed. Thank you to all members who have donated, purchased and helped distribute seeds. Sales were a record, with 50% more packets sold than this time last year.
We hope to hold at least 2 more sales in the coming year – watch this space !
with best wishes to all for a happy 2021 !
First published on 31 December, 2020.
European Seedbank Sale 2020 now open to all
The European Seedbank Sale 2020 is now open to all members. It will close at about 6pm GMT on 31st December 2020.
You will find the sale here.
First published on 12 December, 2020.
European Seedbank Sale 2020 closed for stocktaking
The European seedbank sale is now closed for stocktaking and will reopen to all members at about 6pm GMT tomorrow 12th December
First published on 11 December, 2020.
European Seedbank Sale 2020 Now Open
The European Seedbank sale is now open here to Premium Members at discounted prices. Please note it will close on 11th December for about 24 hours for stock-taking.
Just a Basic Member ? upgrade to premium here, or else be patient until 12th December, when the sale will reopen to all members at regular prices and remain open until 31st December
First published on 1 December, 2020.
European Seedbank Sale 2020 opening
The European Seedbank is back ! It will open, to premium members only, at around 6pm GMT on Tuesday 1st December 2020.
To enjoy the discounted prices available, make sure your premium membership is up to date by logging in now and taking action if necessary. This should also ensure you receive the 2019 double issue newsletter which will be out shortly.
The seedbank will then close on Friday 11th December for about 24 hours for stocktaking, before reopening to all members (at regular prices) on Saturday 12th December. It will remain open until Thursday 31st December.
All standard packet prices have been reduced since last year, and there are a few bargains available at around 50% discount !
Meanwhile you can preview some of the items on offer here.
First published on 25 November, 2020.
Seed Donors – Change in Instructions
Attention seed donors: please note that instructions have changed – see How to donate seeds
Always check with the relevant seedbank manager before sending anything.
First published on 17 November, 2020.
Seedbank update
Getting the North American Seedbank back up is taking longer than expected: we are now aiming for early January
To make up for this we are planning to bring forward the European Seedbank sale to mid-November.
We are also exploring the idea of a South American Seedbank. If you might use this, or have any questions, please submit a contact form and we’ll get back to you.
If you have seeds for any of the seedbanks, the managers would love to hear from you – please follow the instructions on the How to donate seeds page.
Please watch this space for further updates
First published on 27 October, 2020.
Seedbank sales and call for donations
The American seedbank plans to hold a sale commencing in mid-October, and the European seedbank a sale in early January.
In the meantime, if you have any seeds to donate, the seedbank managers would be delighted to hear from you ! Please follow the instructions on the How to donate seeds page.
Premium members who donate more than 50 seeds in accordance with the instructions will be able to purchase seeds in the relevant sale one week before all other members.
For more information, please visit the Seedbank page.
First published on 4 September, 2020.
Saint-Jory Conference postponed to 2021
In view of the ongoing risks, restrictions and uncertainities relating to travel and meetings due to Covid-19, it has been thought wisest to postpone the conference that would have been held at Saint-Jory this October to 1st-4rd October 2021. All other details remain the same.
This is disappointing to all of us, not least to Christian who has put in so much work organising it, but we hope you will understand.
We will however need to hold our 2020 AGM some time before the end of the year; this we will probably do on Zoom. Further details in due course.
First published on 12 July, 2020.
2018 PSI Newsletter published
The 2018 double issue newsletter has been published. Many thanks to Matt Lanas, our new editor, for all his hard work, and to Ron Boender for the stunning cover photo. Contents include:
- report on the 2017 Colombia meeting by Rob McPhail
- proposal to breed a cold climate, edible Passiflora as a team by Don Ellison
- new books by Ron Boender and Christian Houël reviewed by Patrick Worley and Robert Rice
- notes on Passiflora seed & pollen by John Vanderplank
- thoughts on the registration of Passiflora cultivars by Les King
- obituary of Emil Kugler by Axel Frank
- recipe, seedbank, conference and other news
(It does not include the 2018/9 Cultivar Register, which will now be published as a separate issue later in the year.)
Hard copies are being mailed to everyone on the 2018 premium member list AND the current list (as at press date, 30th June 2020), except for those requiring a digital copy only. This can be found on our Newsletter Downloads page as usual.
Basic members can purchase both hard copies and digital versions from MagCloud, as can non-members.
Matt is now hard at work on the 2019 issue and our commissioning editor, John Vanderplank, would welcome additional contributions.
First published on 10 July, 2020.
Last revised on 13 July, 2020.
New PSI membership options
The $10 membership special offer has sadly come to an end; but the good news is that we now have some new membership options starting at the equivalent of $18 per year which will help keep the cost down, and at the same time, we hope, offer greater convenience. Check them out here
First published on 9 July, 2020.
Passiflorunde now available on-line
The entire series of 79 issues of Passiflorunde, including special issues and indexes, is now available on the PSI website www.passiflorasosciety.org.
This wonderful magazine was published in German from 1993 to 2013, and is full of useful information and references to articles on all aspects of Passiflora from around the world. Just log in as a premium Member PSI member and go to the Other Publications page; if you are not yet a premium member, join or upgrade now before 30th June when the special price of just $10 expires.
More goodies of this kind on their way to ease the lockdown !
First published on 25 April, 2020.
PSI St Jory Conference 2-4 October 2020: Revised Dates
The next PSI Conference is to be held in France at Saint Jory, near Toulouse and its international airport as already announced, but in view of the present pandemic it will now be held 2nd – 4th October 2020. All details except the dates are unchanged. Please register now.
So many activities available ! To help us choose, even if you are not yet certain you can come, please use the form to let us know your preference by 30th June.
There is no commitment at this stage, and you can indicate the likelihood of your coming
Full details and registration form here.
First published on 17 February, 2020.
Last revised on 17 March, 2020.
PSI seedbank sale closing 20th Feb
The present seedbank sale will close on 20th February. Hurry, hurry with any last minute orders !
Thank you, Sal, for all your hard work – you deserve a rest ! and thank you too to donors and purchasers alike.
Watch this space for news of the next sale.
If you have any seeds to spare for it, Sal would be delighted to hear from you – but please do contact him before sending anything to make sure there is a demand for it. As an extra incentive for those who send a significant amount, in future at each relevant sale there will be a special Priority Window for donors only, before that for Premium Members.
First published on 13 February, 2020.
SAVE THE DATE: PSI Conference 11-14 June 2020
The next PSI Conference will be held from 11th-14th June 2020 at Saint Jory, near Toulouse, France, and will be hosted by Christian Houël, whom many will remember for hosting the wonderful conference at Cormoray in 2010
Toulouse international airport is not far. More details in due course.
Don’t miss it – SAVE THE DATE !
First published on 2 January, 2020.
PSI Seedbank reopens to all members
The PSI European seedbank stocktake is complete and the seedbank is now open again to all members, basic as well as premium.
To access it, please login, fill in the enrolment form unless you have done so already or joined after 12th October, then go to Seedbank | European on the menu or click here.
First published on 2 January, 2020.
PSI Seedbank closure for stocktake
The PSI European seedbank will close for stocktaking late on 31st December 2019 and will reopen about 2.30pm GMT on 2nd January 2020.
When it reopens, normal prices will no longer be discounted and basic members will also be able to buy, so any premium members who wish to take advantage of the priority period should do so NOW.
First published on 29 December, 2019.
Please submit your new cultivars by 31st December
The next register of cultivars will cover the years 2018 and 2019.
Please submit your applications on www.passifloracultivars.org by 31st December if you wish them to be considered for inclusion.
First published on 26 December, 2019.
Seedbank open
The European seedbank is now open to PSI premium members who have enrolled in New PSI.
Premium members have discounted prices and priority until 2nd January 2020, when the sale will open to basic members as well, and prices will revert to normal levels
Once you have logged in (and enrolled if not before), you will find the sale here. Happy hunting !
You can see a larger picture of most of the plants on the preview page.
If you have any difficulties, please submit a contact form and the webmaster will respond asap.
If you have any queries about the seeds or your purchase, please email the European Seedbank Manager.
First published on 29 November, 2019.
The PSI Seedbank will open shortly
The PSI European Seedbank will open on 30th November 2019. Login for a preview
Over 50 species available.
You don’t have to be a European to buy !
First published on 19 November, 2019.
New PSI is born ! Time to enrol !
On 12th October, 2019 the momentous decision was taken during the Madeira conference to form a Voluntary Association under the name Passiflora Society International (“New PSI”), to dissolve the Florida corporation formally (and formerly) entitled The Passiflora Society International, Inc (Old PSI) and hand over its assets and activities to New PSI. Well, maybe not so momentous: very little has changed for you, the member, but it will make the society soooo much easier for its officers to run.
BUT THERE IS ONE IMPORTANT THING YOU DO NEED TO DO unless you were one of those who voted to join New PSI as a founding member, or have joined since 12th October; please login and complete the simple form which will then appear, and your membership in Old PSI will be immediately converted into membership of New PSI, whether you are a Premium Member or a Basic Member.
Please make sure you do this BY 31st MARCH 2020; if you do not do so, the GDPR will compel us to drop you from our membership list (though you will retain any outstanding benefits).
Members who wish to see the minutes of the Madeira meetings should log in, and can then find them here
First published on 28 October, 2019.
Remember to cast your vote and sign up to New PSI
To the one third of premium members who have cast their vote for the meeting, thank you !
To the two thirds who have still to do so, please do login BEFORE 10th OCTOBER and cast your vote now for the meetings on 12th October
If you wish to read the explanatory notice first, please go to the Forthcoming Meetings page for the link.
Even if you will be attending in person, it is important to vote, to ensure
- there is a quorum at the meeting
- your membership is carried over immediately to New PSI
First published on 7 October, 2019.
Cast your vote
Premium members, please login and cast your vote now for the meetings on 12th October
If you wish to read the explanatory notice first, please go to the Forthcoming Meetings page for the link.
Even if you will be attending in person, it is important to vote, to ensure
- there is a quorum at the meeting
- your membership is carried over immediately to New PSI
First published on 5 October, 2019.
Last revised on 7 October, 2019.
Notice of meetings to complete restructuring of PSI
PSI was originally founded by Ron Boender in the United States of America and registered in the state of Florida, where its bank and other accounts were held
This worked fine while its management and members were predominantly US-based, but this is no longer the case, which has resulted in practical problems.
PSI is therefore being restructured as as an unincorporated association under English law, and two meetings have been called on 12th October 2019 to complete the process.
It is important that as many premium members as possible participate in these meetings whether in person, or by voting online.
Once the meetings have taken place, and the motions carried, premium members who participate, wherever they are based, should see no significant change in their membership terms and benefits; the same applies to premium members who do not participate and to basic members, except that they may need to confirm their registration the next time they login.
For more details, please click here.
First published on 18 September, 2019.
2017 Newsletter published and Backnumber Sale
AT LAST !!! The 2017 66-page double issue newsletter has been published, and to celebrate we are holding a BACKNUMBER SALE – see below.
The 2017 Newsletter includes:
- the 2016/7 Cultivar Register
- Rebecca Hilgenhof’s magisterial student project on Passiflora subgenus Astrophaea: Curiosities amongst the Passionflowers
Hard copies are being mailed to everyone on the 2017 premium member list. Current premium members not on that list can
- purchase their own hard copy from MagCloud
- download a digital version free of charge by logging in and going to the Newsletter Downloads page
Basic members can purchase both hard copies and digital versions from MagCloud
SEPTEMBER BACKNUMBER SALE. Prices have been slashed by UP TO 60%, with an AVERAGE OF 35%. For Newsletters, go to the 50-strong PSI Newsletter Collection on MagCloud BEFORE 6th OCTOBER and fill your boots. For Special Issues go here.
2018 NEWSLETTER. We are now working on the 2018 newsletter, which will be another double issue, and will include a further update to the Cultivar Register. Contributions welcome !
First published on 6 September, 2019.
Subscription pages now restored – in Euros and Sterling, as well as US Dollars
Have you been waiting to join PSI, but been frustrated by the “Suspended” notices on the joining and renewal/upgrade pages ? Then your wait is over ! They are back up and running. To make them more reliable, we have abolished the Join PSI Premium button altogether, and instead ask brand-new members to register first as Basic members and then upgrade to Premium if they wish.
To help avoid the unnecessary foreign exchange fees on both sides, we have added two additional currencies for payment – Euros and Pounds Sterling. We hope you will find this helpful.
A big thank you to the members who kindly acted as guinea-pigs during the testing period. If nonetheless you do encounter any difficulties, please use the contact form to let us know immediately. We are happy to receive compliments as well !
First published on 28 August, 2019.
Welcome to the PSI Website!
We hope you like the new website. The Passiflora you can see at the top of this page are newly registered cultivars. Apply now to register your new cultivar, and it will soon be here!
We are still in process of setting up the new site, having had to move it more quickly than expected, so bear with us.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please send them in – we’d be delighted to hear from you.
First published on 13 July, 2019.
Last revised on 16 July, 2019.
Registration open for Madeira PSI conference
Registration is now open for the 2019 PSI conference in Madeira. To reserve your place please follow click on the picture below. To be certain of your place please do so as soon as possible.
First published on 25 June, 2019.
Last revised on 18 September, 2019.
Special offer from PSI
SPECIAL OFFER UNTIL 30th JUNE 2020: To compensate for recent reduced levels of service, the price of premium membership has been slashed from $30 to $10 for all those subscribing or renewing their membership between now and 30th June 2020. To take advantage of this offer, please go to the Join page.
First published on 25 June, 2019.
Last revised on 14 August, 2019.
PSI meeting in Madeira
PSI is pleased to announce that the 2019 meeting will be held on the island of Madeira from 10th to 13th October. For more details, please see the Forthcoming Meetings page.
The AGM was held separately on 16th June.
First published on 25 June, 2019.
Last revised on 5 October, 2019.